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Inspiring Running Moms, Issue #007 -- Meet Tracey
February 02, 2011
Dear Running Mom,

Thanks for subscribing to Inspiring Running Moms.

February 2, 2011
Issue #7

In This Issue

1) How to Contact Us

2) Meet Tracey

3) Your Running Love Stories

4) Meet Other Running Moms

1) How to Contact Us

Please do not reply to this email. Because of a spam filter that I haven't figured out how to customize, we don't get those emails. But we love to hear from you! So contact us here.

2) Meet Tracey

Tracey came on as a partner in building this site last summer.

She is responsible for the makeover of this site as well as much of the helpful running advice on here and she is just an amazing inspiration. Please give her a warm welcome, warm being the keyword in this blizzard of a winter we are having!

I thought today was a good day to introduce her since it is her birthday. (Please forgive me for not posting a pictures. She is the one who is good at graphics and I wanted to surprise her.)

She is currently nine months pregnant with her second child, and still going strong, getting in her workouts by prepping and painting the new baby room.

Her passion is barefoot running. She will tell you more about this soon. Meanwhile, read here how Tracey got into running.

And feel free to check out her blog and welcome her or wish her a happy birthday here.

3) Your Running Love Stories

When did you know you were in love with running?

With Valentine's day coming up, we thought it would be a good time to share our running love stories. We can't wait to hear your story. Please share it with us here.

4) Meet Other Running Moms

Did you know that you can meet and interact with other running moms on this site? We are currently playing a game to get to know each other.

Check it out here.

Happy Winter Running!
Anna & Tracey

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