Tips on How to Increase Running Speed

Increase running speed, there are many ways to do it and it doesn't have to be a chore. Here are some tips.

increase running speed
  1. Fartleks & Intervals
  2. Tempo
  3. Hills
  4. Less Time On Your Feet
  5. Running Cadance
  6. Run Consistantly
  7. Cross Training & Rest Days Are Important
  8. Stretching
  9. Weight Loss
  10. Speed Training Workouts

Fartlek & Interval Training

Adding intervals into your runs is a great way to increase running speed. one example of this is to add fartleks. With a fartlek, you pick any distance, and speed up your running pace until you get to that distance. Repeat this 5-8 times during your run. You can plan this ahead of time, or do it spontaneously during your run.

Here are some more interval training tips.

Tempo Run

The tempo run is supposed to help you push yourself to run faster than the pace you are comfortable with. Choose a distance that you can run comfortably, for me that's 3-5 miles, warm up, then run the entire 3-5 miles at a tempo pace.

Try this once a week to help you increase running speed.

Hill Training

Hill training is another form of speed training that is very affective. You can read more about hill training here.

Think Less Time on Your Feet

This is a tip that I found to be very helpful for increasing my running speed. You can read more about it here.

Practice Running Cadance

Another running mom wrote this article on running cadance and how it helps her increase running speed. It kind of takes the last tip a little further.

Run Consistantly

If you run consistently, you will get faster. It takes years and years to become the fastest runner you can be, so stick with it and you will see results.

To encourage yourself, you may try something like run a specific course and time yourself. Then practice running consistently 3-5 days a week for a month. Come back in a month and run the same course and you will be amazed at your faster time.

Incorporate Cross Training and Rest Days for Recovery

Next to running consistenty, the next important thing is to take a break. This is important 1) so you don't burn out and 2) because your muscles need a chance to recover in order to work properly. So 2 days a week take off and rest or do some cross training.

I always find that when I come back after a day or 2 of rest or of just doing something different, I am able to run faster. I don't know if it's mental or physical, but it works.


Stretching will help make you a better runner. Here are some stretching tips for runners.

Running and Weight Loss

The less you weigh (up to a point) the faster you will run. I say this to a healthy person who is not underweight. Just think, the less pounds you are carrying, the faster you will be able to move.

If you're trying to lose weight, you might be pleasantly surprised what just five pounds of weight loss will do for your running speed. And the two help each other, running helps with weight loss and weight loss helps with running.

Here are some tips on running and weight loss.

Speed Training

If you really want to get fast, set aside one day a week for speed training. Here are some speed training workout ideas.

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