Jennifer Ryu Goodale

by Jessica Mulder
(Carlsbad, CA)

Happy mom and baby!

Happy mom and baby!

Happy mom and baby! Goofing off during a run in Iowa Beach day with Reagan! Post race photo with Reagan

My twin sister, Jen, is an amazing running mom! Her little girl, Reagan, is almost 16 months old and Jen runs at least five days a week to ensure she's working to set a positive example for her from the beginning. Jen is a former United States Marine Corps captain who has multiple deployments under her belt. She is an active member of the Stroller Warriors in Jacksonville, NC. She also co-authors a blog with me, (@irunthere4iam).

She truly is an inspiration to so many other moms because she doesn't let ANYTHING get in the way of being healthy. She's out there with the stroller in all conditions (making sure it's weather-proofed for Reagan) and logging miles. She also does CF workouts and bikes!

She's one of the most positive people I've ever met and refuses to let anything stand in the way of her goals. Always there to offer an encouraging word or advice to any new mother or new runner! An all around awesome mom and a great runner!

Comments for Jennifer Ryu Goodale

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Aug 17, 2016
Good Post NEW

Jennifer is an inspiration for all the ladies. Thank you.

Aug 17, 2016
Interesting NEW
by: ShirleyFWilliams

Here in this post, Jennifer Ryu Goodale is an inspiration for all the young ladies and moms. Thank You for the story.

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Oct 20, 2015
great example NEW

Jenifer for sure sets a great example not just for her daughter but also for every young mom! Great story

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