Jogging Stroller
Swivel or Locked Wheel?

Should you have a jogging stroller swivel the front wheel or locked in place? Here are some tips to help you decide.

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It is usually recommended that your front wheel be locked if you are running, as a safety precaution.

However, this only seems to work if you're running on a straight path because it is almost impossible to turn the stroller when the front wheel is locked. I addition, it is hard to set up the wheel so that it doesn't veer just a little bit to one side.

I can only give you my experience as a moderately slow runner who runs on mostly smooth runnning paths, and for me it is better to have the front wheel swivel.

My BOB Revolution Stroller can either be set to swivel or locked in place. When I'm on the NYC subway, I always lock it in place so it doesn't swerve all over the place or if I was going down a steep hill with it, I would lock it in place.

The rest of the time I am very happy to have the swivel feature, especially when I'm running in the winding paths of Central Park.

However not all strollers have the option to change this feature. Even some of the BOB strollers only have a locked front wheel.

For recommendations on jogging strollers with a front wheel that swivels and/or locks in place, see the jogging stroller reviews.

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