Mommy Time
The mommy time lounge provides ways for mommies to relax. It's great that we're fit moms, running moms, super moms, working moms...any or all of the above and more, but to be all these things we have to make sure we take care of ourselves too.
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So this page is devoted completely to pampering mommies. Here, we promote soothing ways to rest those aching muscles as well as relaxation, mommy time, girls night out and most importantly, a sense of humor.
Give Yourself Permission to be "Selfish" Sometimes
Being a mommy is the most exhaustive, thankless job I have ever worked. (And I have worked some pretty thankless jobs.) It is also the most rewarding! But I am learning, slowly, but surely, that if I don't take care of myself sometimes, no one will.
It's not that they don't appreciate what we do, it's just that we're so good at it, they take it for granted sometimes, so if we don't speak up and take some mommy time, we'll end up becoming angry women. That's certainly not something I want to be.
So please, speak up and give yourself permission to relax sometimes and take some mommy time. Not only will it make life easier for you, it will make it easier on all the people you care about as well.
This is not an easy lesson for a woman to learn, we're so used to taking care of everyone else. But it is a very important lesson!
Running-Mom's Recipe for Relaxing
Next time you're able to get your baby's daddy or a friend to take your kid(s) out for a while, instead of using the time to catch up on all that work that you never really catch up on anyway, use this mommy time to indulge yourself for a little while. You'd be amazed by what a few hours of pampering can do for you.
Ingredients for Mommy Time
warm bath full of water
Epsom salt
someone to take the kids out for a few hours
Directions for Mommy Time
Pour a glass of wine. Light some candles to add a nice scent. Turn on music that will relax you. Add about 2 cups of Epsom salt to a bath full of warm water. Soak in tub for about 20 minutes while sipping on glass of wine, fizzy water or Gatorade. JUST BREATHE!
After you're done soaking in the tub and you feel nice and relaxed, do something FOR YOU that you've been putting off for a long time. Take a nap, read a book, write a bestseller, indulge in some chocolate cake, give yourself a pedicure or watch some TV for a change. Enjoy! You deserve it, and you'll feel like a brand new person ready to take on the world once again.
More Ways to Recover from a Workout
For more ways to relax those sore muscles after a workout, click here.
Girls Night In
Hard to find a babysitter? When I first had my son, I felt like Miranda in "Sex and the City." My baby took up all my time and patience and my friends we're still going on with their lives, having a good time. So instead of getting depressed over it, I decided to invite them over. Now I've come up with a compromise that allows me to still see my friends and them to hopefully still have a good time.
After you've put your kid(s) to bed, invite some friends over to your place. Make it a pot luck, have each person bring a snack or beverage so you don't have to do any extra work. Take out some plastic cups and plates so there's no cleanup afterward. Dim the lights, pour some wine and watch a movie together. And no baby talk for the whole night! ;-)
A Sense of Humor
When all else fails, the most important thing is to have a sense of humor. I remember walking through the grocery store with my screaming baby when he was about two months old. Everyone in the store was looking at me like I was so evil for ruining their shopping experience and I just kept smiling at them and apologizing.
Finally a woman walked up to me who was obviously a mother herself and said, "It's a good thing you have a sense of humor. That's all that will get you through days like this."
Now my baby has grown a few months and replaced the screaming with his charming smile. But that lady's words stuck with me and I think of them every time I'm in the park running and he decides he's had enough or when I'm sitting at my computer trying to get some work done and he's standing there pulling on my pants and screaming, "mamamamama!"
So if your little rascal(s) drive you crazy from time to time, you are not alone! Remeber to smile and keep your since of humor.
Gifts for the Running Mom
What better way to take some mommy time then to splurge and get yourself a little gift? Have running friends? Why stress yourself out trying to find the perfect gift for them? Check out these great gift ideas just for runners.
T-shirts and other Souvenirs from
Proud to be a running-mom? Show off your running mom super powers with one of these t-shirts.
Cards Just for Runners
Ever want to send a card to one of your running friends, but all the ones you find in the store seem so corny? Wouldn't it be nice if you could give them a card about something you can both relate to? Something to put a smile on your friend's face? Check out these cards made just for runners.