Newbie Training Schedule

by Crystal

I have a almost 5 month old - first time mom AND first time marathon coming up on May 1...any great training schedules you love? I just ran an 8 miler this Saturday and then promptly came down with the I am a bit worried about how to manage my running miles, nutrition, and new mommy duties. Also, would you recommend a shoe just for the distance runs?

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Sep 29, 2015
Nice post NEW
by: Rani

This newbie Training Schedule is useful for those women who near to become mother. If these women follow the instruction and Schedule then this will helpful for the baby as well. I know women become very cautions in those days. any way, i try to get superior papers top essay but i think this is best website for the mothers.

Dec 08, 2011
by: Denver Mom

LOVE Galloway. I have 2 girls (3 & 1) and ran my first marathon in October. I love his schedules because you only run 30-45 minutes during the week (I run those runs with my 2 girls in the double jog stroller or bike trainer) so not having to focus on distance during the week is great!

Mar 08, 2011
Keep it doabe
by: Anonymous

I suggest a plan that has easy week day runs and with a long run on the weekends. Don't get too bogged down on your weekday miles.

It is a lot of work to train for a marathon and it is a lot of work to have a 5 month old. You need to be flexible with yourself.

My baby is 10 months old and I have run two marathons since he was born, I ran them slow but I ran them.

I am happy to give you my full schedule I followed if you have not found one you want to follow yet.

Happy Running,

running in heels after a child

Jan 08, 2011
Some great marathon training programs for beginners are...
by: Anna

Hal Higdon has a great beginner marathon training schedule. You can also go to Runners World and use their "Smart Coach" tool which will ask you some questions and customize a schedule for you based on the amount of time you have to train.

For your first marathon, it's usually best to pick a training program and stick to it for the most part, although you'll want to be a little flexible, especially if you're a new mom. If you miss a run, don't worry about making it up. Just move on and have a great run next time. You can also find a marathon training program for beginners in the "Training Programs" section of this site on the left navigation menu.

You can find info on choosing running shoes here.

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