Rebounder Workout

Rebounder workout is great for the whole family.

Rebounder Workout

I purchased the ReboundAir Mini Trampoline two years ago when I wanted a piece of home workout equipment, but didn't have the money to invest in something as pricey as a treadmill.

It has been so worth it, because I can cross train on it. But what really made it worth it is how much my son loves it. That's him jumping on it in the picture.

I love that it's a low impact workout and I can do things like jumping jacks, running in place and dancing to music without putting too much pressure on my feet, shins and joints because the rebounder absorbs the impact.

My son just loves to jump on it. I will turn on some music and he will jump and jump and jump for hours each day.

When I first got it, he couldn't even walk yet. He would hold my hand and jump. Then he graduated to where I would put it next to his playpen and he would hold onto the playpen for support while jumping on the rebounder (you can see him doing that in the picture).

Now he just jumps freestyle.

It's so sweet, sometimes I'll be playing music and a song will come on that he really likes and he takes my hand and drags me over to the rebounder and we jump together. My own little dancing partner!

Rebounder Workouts

Here are some great cardio rebounder exercises.

The rebounder i also great for doing abs. Here are some ab workouts that you can do on the rebounder.

If you're still trying to decide what kind of rebounder to buy, check out our rebounder trampoline recommendations here.

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