Running Mom Comments
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Running Mom Comments By Other Visitors To This Site
I just stumbled upon your site, and I'm sitting here crying after just beginning to read. I still don't know anything about you or this site, I literally started reading 2 minutes ago and had to write you. I'm 33 going on 63. My body seems like it has really...(continue)
I am a 1st time mom (5 mo old Zachie is his father's and my pride and joy). I wanted to say that I love your site. (from Kris)
Great website! I was just looking for a good strength training program to add to my running/walking scheduled and found your website through another site I was browsing. Thanks! (from Valencia)
I love this site- very informative & motivating. Thank you. (from Pamela)
I discovered your WONDERFUL site while doing a google search to find a running group in my area of north scottsdale. I started running in the spring but now it is too hot at 115 degrees...(continue)
Thanks!!!!!!!! very much!! Every tip in the site was incredibly usefull for me. Awesome. Greetings from Argentina! (from Jorge)
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