Running with Baby

by Erin
(Owasso, OK)

I'm 20 weeks pregnant today and am trying to keep some kind of running schedule so I don't completely crash when I get done!

I actually was able to keep running through my morning sickness with this pregnancy and it made me feel so much better!! I was tired while exercising, but once I was done I felt like a million bucks!!

I wasn't able to run with my first pregnancy because my son was sitting up so high it was incredibly painful. This baby, a girl, is down low so there is little-to-no pain.

Of course, being low means she's bouncing on my bladder...and you know what that leads to!

Since I'm at the halfway point, I plan to keep running until I just can't handle it any more. I have a 5k on Valentine's Day morning that I'm looking forward to!

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Feb 07, 2009
Good Luck on Your 5K
by: Anonymous

Thanks for sharing your story! Good luck on your Valentine's Day 5k! ;-)

When you are running, are you pushing your baby in the jogging stroller?

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