Running Woman
A Running Woman Should Have ...
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Someone to push her to run faster...
Someone who is slower than her who she can push to run faster...
Someone to watch her kid at least once a week so she can see what she's capable of when she's not pushing the jogging stroller...
Or someone to watch her baby so she can run 3-5 days a wk, if she has one of those babies that won't cooperate in the jogging stroller...
Ten minutes alone every morning with her cup of coffee...
An internet connection so she can chat online with other running woman, if she can't meet them in person...
A bottle of ibp, an ice pack and a pair of compression tights, or a man who's good at massages and other things to help her recover after her runs...
Something that her baby loves to do all by himself like jump in his crib or watch Elmo or play with his train so that she can get something done in a day...
A door knob on her bathroom door so she can have an occasional moments privacy...
A friend she can call when she's feeling like she's about to go crazy and needs to be talked off the edge, who can remind her that if she just goes for a run, everything will be better after...
A friend she can call when she feels exhausted and un-motivated to remind her that the motivation to run doesn't start until at least 10 minutes into the run...
A sexy, chafe-free outfit to run in and make her feel like if just for that moment, she's on top of the world...
A running woman should have a runners high at least twice a week...
A good pair of running shoes to help her run injury free...
A pedicure at least once a month, even if she's missing half her toenails, matter of fact especially if she's missing half her toenails!!!
A goal she's training for, whether a 5k, a 100 mile ultra or to run 30 miles a week...
The knowledge that she is more than a single run, even if a race that she has trained for all year long...
A running woman should be able to enjoy her run even if she doesn't PR and even if she runs past someone who can run faster than her...
Should Know how to squat and pee...
A collection of running stories that she enjoys telling...
Should Know what it feels like to run in the rain, in the snow, in the heat, in the cold, in the wind and on trails...
A Garmin or Ironman, but be able to leave it home occasionally and have a great run without it...
A track that she can practice Yasso 800's on...
A hill that she can run up and down at least once a week...
Should know that fartleks are not running ahead of everyone else so you don't fart in their faces...
Should have a friend that makes her want to be better...and a friend that helps her appreciate herself...
Plenty of dark chocolate, gu, body glide and protein bars at her disposal at any time...
A comfortably-hand held bottle of water a waist pack or camel back...
A pink running skirt...
Comfortable running socks that make her feel like she can go at magic lightening speed...
Some other form of workout that she is almost as passionate about as running...
A running diary...
A supportive, seamless running bra in a color other than white, black or beige...
A running woman should be able to look in the mirror and love what she sees...
At least 2 or 3 healthy, delicious recipes that she can throw together in less than 30 min. and make it taste like she spent the whole day in the kitchen...
A running woman should know that whether she runs as a hobby or professionally, whether she is fast or slow, thin or curvy, doesn't have enough support w/out two bras or can run topless, is a sprinter or a marathoner, can run all day or only gets to sneak in a quickie here and there...she is strong and beautiful, and there is nothing that she can't do...and nobody's butt that she can't kick if they try to get in the way!!!
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Massage Therapist
Every running woman should have an AWESOME massage therapist who specializes in prenatal and running massages!
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