When can I run with my baby in the BOB Revolution Jogging Stroller?

by Bekah
(Oakmont, pa)

I'm soon to give birth and I'm VERY excited to get back into my running routine. However, I'm a little concerned about how soon I can run with the baby in the running stroller (BOB revolution). Everything I've read indicates that I need to wait until the baby is 6-8 months old, and that it's not safe to run with the car seat adapter. I would like to get back into a running routine ASAP, so I'm feeling a little frustrated... Can anyone shed some light on this subject for me?

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Jan 02, 2012
As early as you feel comfortable
by: Kelly

I started running with my son when he was 4 weeks old. He is perfectly protected and enjoys running with me. I tried to research this question myself before heading out to run and from what I found it was more because the manufacturers are worried about the possibility of it tipping over and baby getting injured. They don't want to get sued so they put a stricter limit on it. I run with a running club of Moms all pushing their babies in strollers and I've never seen anyone wait that long. One of my friends was out running a marathon (while her husband was deployed) when her baby was only 3 months-old.

Jul 22, 2011
That's Great!
by: Anonymous

That's great to hear! Do you use a snuzzler or do you find that unnecessary? Also, do you recline the seat? I live in a neighborhood with sidewalks and a combination of brick and paved streets, so I think it should be ok. Thanks so much for your feedback!!!

Jul 21, 2011
Same Stroller
by: cecile

I delivered my baby 3 1/2 month ago and have been running with her for a little over a month. I don't have the care seat adapter and I just make sure I run on smooth terrain and never on sidewalks (I live in brooklyn NY). my baby is doing great and mainly naps during my runs. this stroller is reallly AWSOME!!!

Jul 15, 2011
Thank you!
by: Anonymous

Thanks so much for your input. I feel better trying it out myself when I know someone else has done it without any trouble. I am really looking forward to running around town with my little bambino!!!! I'll have to check out the snuzzler too...good tip!

Jul 13, 2011
BOB age
by: AI Runs

I ran with both of my boys right around 2 months with the snuzzler in the jogging stroller (a Jeep, then a Double BOB). This worked great, and they were always perfectly safe and happy. That manufacturer's warning is silly.

Jul 11, 2011
I have the exact same stroller
by: Anonymous

Hi Bekah. First of all congratulations!

I have the exact same stroller and I started running with my son in it when he was about 2-3 months old. He was able to support his head at this time, and I made sure to run only on smooth terrain and take it easy. I have also heard from some moms that the snuzzler is a great way to give your baby some added support when you are running. Good luck! The time I spent running with my son always has been and continues to be some of our most memorable times together!

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